Rafael Antonio Hernando Fraile

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Antonio Hernando.jpg

Rafael Antonio Hernando Fraile, born in Guadalajara (Castilla-La Mancha) on the 13th November of 1961, is a Spanish national deputy elected for the constituency of Almería (Andalusia) in the 10th term. He is a member of People’s Party (PP).

Political Career

Rafael Antonio Hernando Fraile was elected as national deputy for the first time in the 5th term and since then he has been re-elected until today. During the current term, he is acting as a member of different commissions such as the Constitutional Commission or the Commission for the Traffic Safety and Sustainable Mobility. He holds a chair in the Standing Committee of the Congress. Before becoming a national deputy, Rafael Antonio Hernando Fraile had been councillor (1983-1987) and a regional deputy (1987-1989).


Rafael Antonio Hernando Fraile holds a degree in Law and an MA in Management and Direction Business at the ICADE Institute.

External Links

Personal Bio in the Spanish Congress of Deputies website[1]