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Have you reached your 50s frustrated by the number of times you have tried to lose stomach fat but without any success?
Are you over the whole thing and ready to put up with being overweight? It could be you have tried the wrong ways to get a flat stomach or you have tried too hard or expected too much too quickly. Here are some things you may have tried that did not work as you expected.

Did You Try A Crash Diet?
It is natural to think if food has made you fat then eating a lot less will make you thinner and if you stop eating virtually everything, it will do it faster. To some extent this is true and research has shown it can work, but under controlled conditions with proper guidance.
But generally speaking, going onto a crash diet sends the body into starvation mode and it reacts by holding onto stored fat to conserve energy.

It also stops building muscle. So instead of losing fat, you are losing muscle, and damaging your body. In addition to that, you are very likely to put weight back on once you have stopped the diet. Mind you, if you deprive your body of food long enough you will lose weight but at a high risk to your health.

Did You Skip Meals?
This is part of the same thinking: skipping meals means less food, which mean less fat. The trouble is you are likely to eat more to make up for the missed meal or you are likely to look for sugary snacks to maintain your energy. Your body has trouble dealing with the irregular eating pattern and the surge in blood sugar it causes.

Your body works best if your blood sugar levels are stable otherwise it will make insulin to control sudden surges. Insulin controls it but also stores fat around your liver and on your muscles.
Did You Exercise Too Hard?
Were you so anxious to lose your stomach fat, you threw yourself into hard training thinking this would burn fat? In the beginning you would have built muscle and probably did not lose any weight. You may have even gained some. The trap here is, it is easy to think hard exercise will do it all regardless of your diet and lifestyle.

Along with your exercise, you do need to change to good eating habits: regular meals, healthy protein, fresh fruit and vegetables, no sugary drinks, few take-aways and processed foods.
Do not be too hard on yourself or over-stressed about the things that did not work. Just set about changing your lifestyle so that you are living a healthy, balanced life and you will get a flat stomach. It's generally not about how much you eat, although it can be, it is more often the type of food you eat that builds your stomach fat.

Do some homework and learn what you have to do to have a healthy lifestyle. This is not hard to find out these days, as there has never been so much information on healthy living. Then look at what you need to change. Gradually make the changes and the rest will take care of itself.

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