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María del Mar Moreno Ruiz (known as Mar Moreno), born in La Carolina (Jaén) on the 7th May 1962, is a Spanish senator designated to the Andalusia’s Parliament on the 10th term. She is a member of the Socialist Worker’s Party (PSOE).

Political Career[edit]

María del Mar Moreno Ruiz was elected as senator for the first time in the 9th term. During the current term, she is acting as second vice-president of the education and sport commission and she is also a member of other commissions such as the mixed commission for the European Union or the mixed commission for the study of problems related to drugs. Mar Moreno has also been a regional deputy in different terms in the Andalusia’s Parliament. It is also worth noting that she has served also as Education Advisor in the Andalusian Regional Government (2009-2013) and as regional minister of the President's Office.


Mar Moreno holds a degree in Law for the University of Granada and a MBA from the European Business School. She was a legal attorney for ten years.

External Links[edit]

Personal Bio in the spanish Senate’s website http://www.senado.es/web/composicionorganizacion/senadores/composicionsenado/fichasenador/index.html?id1=14405&legis=10&id2=g

Personal Bio in the andalusian Parliament website http://www.parlamentodeandalucia.es/webdinamica/portal-web-parlamento/elparlamento/historia/todoslospresidentes.do?codmie=89&nlegis=7