Andrzej Bętkowski
Andrzej Bętkowski - (born on 12th December 1951 in Skarżysko Kamienna, Poland) is a Polish politician, official of local government and a Member of Parliament since 2007 (VI and VII cadency).
Political Career
From 1998 to 1999, Betowski was a member of Akcja Wyborcza Solidarność (Solidarity Electoral Action) and from 2006 to 2007, he was a member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Law and Justice) acting as an official of the local government of the Świętokrzyskie region. Between 1999 until 2002 Bętkowski was a county governor of the Skarżysko district. In 2002-2006 he was a councillor of this district, as a President of a Council Councillors "Porozumienie Prawicy" (Consensus of Right Wing). In the parliamentary elections in 2007, he was a member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Law and Justice), he has got a mandate in a Polish parliament and he was reelected in 2011.
Andrzej Bętkowski graduated from Academy of Physical Education in Kraków. He took postgraduate studies in the Institute of Legal Science PAN in Warsaw (law-local government) and in Academy of Physical Education in Poznań (sport management). He was a lieutenant in the reserve (Reserve Officers School in Wrocław).