Sabino Cuadra Lasarte

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Member of the Spanish Parliament(AMAIUR)

He born in Álava on May 24th, 1949.

Political Career

His political activism has developed from the 1970s left-wing political organizations and vasquista character. He began his activism in the Basque-Navarre Trotskyist organization Kommunist Iraultzailea League (LKI) and continued in various formations and successor coalitions such as Auzolan, or Batzarre Zutik. The creation in 1998 of Euskal Herritarrok coalition Herri Batasuna and together with other organizations and independent leftist and vasquista characters from Batzarre and Zutik, joined the truce that ETA had declared; this political project encouraged him to return to politics. He participated in shaping the coalition and took a position at EH's candidacy for election to the European Parliament 1999. After retiring in 2010 from his job, Cuadra could professionally engage in politics. In 2011 he was elected head of the list Navarra Amaiur electoral coalition, which brought the outlawed nationalist left in, with Aralar, Eusko Alkartasuna and Alternatiba. Cuadra featured in this nomination as an independent and was elected Member of Congress.


He studied law and after finishing school he worked for some years as a labor lawyer.

External Link

Congreso de los Diputados