Marta González Vásquez
Born January 25, 1965 in Santiago de Compostela.
Political Career
She was General Director of the Equality Galician Xunta de Galicia (2003-2005). she was also General Secretary for Equality of the Xunta de Galicia (2009-2011) and Chair of the Equality Committee of the Popular Party of Galicia (2009). In 2011 she was member of the spanish of parliament without People's party.
She holds a PhD in Medieval History from the University of Santiago de Compostela since 1994, where he was awarded a special award doctorates. She graduated in 1987 in Geography and History from USC, specializing in Medieval History and, two years later, in Archives and Library. It has a Magister degree (specialist) History of Women in the University of Santiago and IDEGA. Since 2005, she was associated EOSA consulting firm, where she was responsible for the functions of the area of equal opportunities.