Dušan Čaplovič

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Dušan Čaplovič, born on the 18. 9. 1946 is a Slovak politician, formerly a historian and archaelogist. Since 2006 Čaplovič has been the deputy prime minister for Knowledge Society, European Affairs, Human Rights and Minorities. He stood for a seat with the SMER-SD in Bratislava. . He is a member of editorial boards of several national and international historical and archaeological journals.

Political career

At present he is the member of Klub SMER – SD, Committee on Education, Science, Youth and Sports and of the Special Control Committee for the Control of Activities of the National Security Authority. Since 2001, he has been the vice-president direction of SMER-SD. In 2002 he was elected as the Minister for Education, Science and Culture. Since 2002 he was also a member of the National Council. Since 2006 Čaplovič he has been the deputy prime minister for Knowledge Society, European Affairs, Human Rights and Minorities. He was also Minister of Environment.


In 1969 he graduated with a degree in Philosophy. Then he obtained the academic titles (1970 PhDr., 1982 CSc., 1999 DrSc. v SAV)

Notable Works

Orava v praveku, vo včasnej dobe dejinnej a na začiatku stredoveku, Martin 1987. The Situation of Archaeological Research of Middle Ages. Agricultural Settlements in the Territory of Slovakia, in: Ruralia I, 1996. Etnické zmeny a vývoj stredovekého osídlenia v juhovýchodných oblastiach karpatského oblúku (9.-12. storočie), in: Początki sąsiedztwa. Pogranicze etniczne polsko-rusko-słowackie w średniowieczu. Rzeszów 1996. Oblasti východných Karpát a horného Potisia za panovania Svätopluka I. In: Svätopluk I. 894-1994. Nitra 1997. Včasnostredoveké osídlenie Slovenska, Bratislava 1998. Osmičky v našich dejinách (Perfekt Brat. 1999). Dokumenty slovenskej národnej identity a štátnosti I.,II. (Národné literárne centrum Brat. 1998). Dejiny Slovenska. With: Viliam Čičaj, Ľubomír Lipták, Ján Lukačka.

External links

Official Webpage of Dušan Čaplovič