Rafael Antonio Hernando Fraile
Rafael Antonio Hernando Fraile, born in Guadalajara (Castilla-La Mancha) on the 13th November of 1961, is a Spanish national deputy elected for the constituency of Almería (Andalusia) in the 10th term. He is a member of People’s Party (PP).
Political Career[edit]
Rafael Antonio Hernando Fraile was elected as national deputy for the first time in the 5th term and since then he has been re-elected until today. During the current term, he is acting as a member of different commissions such as the Constitutional Commission or the Commission for the Traffic Safety and Sustainable Mobility. He holds a chair in the Standing Committee of the Congress. Before becoming a national deputy, Rafael Antonio Hernando Fraile had been councillor (1983-1987) and a regional deputy (1987-1989).
Rafael Antonio Hernando Fraile holds a degree in Law and an MA in Management and Direction Business at the ICADE Institute.
External Links[edit]
Personal Bio in the Spanish Congress of Deputies website[1]