Elza Pais
Elza Maria Henriques Deus Pais was born on November 22nd, 1958. She currently practices as a sociologist and as a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (SociNova), from Faculadade de Ciências Novas e Humanas from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Political Career
Elza Pais is currently working on hers second mandate as a deputy at the National Parliament for the Socialist Party, since she started her activity on the 11th legislature (2009-10-15). She takes actually part of several parliamentary committees (Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees; Education, Science and Culture; Healthcare).
Elza Pais holds a Bachelor and a Master degrees in Sociology.
Further information
Elza Pais has published several works on the subject of domestic and gender violence in Portugal.
External links
Parliament website http://www.parlamento.pt/DeputadoGP/Paginas/Biografia.aspx?BID=4209