María Luisa Carcedo Roces

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María Luisa Carcedo Roces, born in San Martín del Rey (Asturias) the 30th August of 1953 is a Spanish politician in the Socialist Worker's Party. She is a national deputy and secretary of social welfare of the PSOE Federal Executive Committee.

Political Career

María Luisa Carcedo Roces became politicaly active in the PSOE at a very young age. In 1984 Carcedo started as Sector Manager of GP in Valle del Nalón until 1988 when she was appointed as regional director for public health in Asturias. She was elected regional deputy in 1991 and between 1991 and 1995 she was also councillor of Environmental and Urban Affairs. María Luisa Carcedo became national deputy in 2008 but she renounced this after the election to accept the proposal of the former minister of Public Administration Elena Salgado, to be in charge of the National Agency of Public Policy evaluation. In the national elections of 2011 she reassumes her position as member of Parliament.


María Luisa Carcedo Roces holds a degree in Medicine from the University of Oviedo and she has a Bachelor's in business medicine.

External Links

Political activity of María Luisa Carcedo Roces