Pedro Acedo Penco

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Pedro Acedo Penco was born in Hornachos ( Spain) in 1955. He is currently the mayor of Merida, the capital city of the autonomous community of Extremadura.


Pedro Acedo graduated as a Publicity Technician and worked as a businessman in the billboard adverting sector until 1988.

Political Career

Mr. Acedo Penco was the mayor of Merida from the year 1995-2007 and got reelected for the post in 2011. Pedro Acedo Penco was born in Hornachos, lived in Barcelona, Madrid and Burgos before returning to Merida. He worked in the business sector of billboard advertising until 1988 when he started working at the city hall in Merida as an independent councillor to the Popular Alliance. He was the head of the broadcasting authority of Merida between the years 1988 and 1990. In 1995 he got elected as the mayor of Merida and got reelected in 1999 and 2003. He is currently the local president for the People's Party in Merida and the mayor of the city since 2011. He is vice-president of the Regulation Commission and spokesman of the local entities' and Tax and Public Administrations' Commissions.

External Links

Spanish Senate