Peter Pollák

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Peter Pollák was born on 20th of April 1973 in Levoča. He is currently a member of Slovak National Council as a member of OĽaNO. He is a representative of government for Roma communities and a member for Committee on Human Rights and Minorities.

Political Career[edit]

Peter Pollák started his political career at the Office of Representative of government for Roma communities in 2010. After elections in 2012, he became not only the Member of Parliament but also the Representative of government for Roma communities. Peter Pollák is the first Member of Parliament in Slovak history with a Roma origin.


In 2005, Peter Pollák graduated from Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care at Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa in Nitra.

Notable Work[edit]

As the Representative of government for Roma communities, Peter Pollár is very active. With his Roma origin and his education as a social worker, he was aware of the ineffective use of money and insufficient application of strategies in the case of Roma minorities in Slovakia. In 2012, he changed the philosophy in the Office and initiated the Roma reform with many projects which are supposed to help Roma people integrate into the Slovak society and also on the other side to spread awareness about Roma culture.

Further Information[edit]

For further information about Pollák’s strategy visit his website:

External Links[edit]

Official profile of Peter Pollák on Slovak National Council’s website

Official profile of Peter Pollár on website of Slovak Ministry of Interior

Official website of Peter Pollák